5-HTP is 5-Hydroxy-Tryptophan, also known as Oxitriptan is the direct physiological precursor of Serotonin, an essential chemical agent of the brain. Sufficient evidence has been found that the low level of Serotonin contributes to different brain and psychic diseases, such as sleep problems, depression, anxiety, compulsive disorders (including eating disorders), restless leg syndrome, migraines, fibromyalgia, and low pain threshold.
5-HTP is more effective than Tryptophan because only 1% or less of dietary/supplementary Tryptophan ever enters the brain. The rest is used to make various body proteins, vitamin B-3; and some may be broken down through the kynurenine pathway, which would convert to hydroxykynurenine (3-OH-K), Xanthurenic acid (XA) and hydroxyanthranilic acid (3-OH-AA) for urinary excretion. These 3 metabolites are all known to cause liver damage and bladder cancer. Indeed, in comparison to Tryptophan, some studies of 5-HTP have shown better results because it directly increases brain serotonin without major side effects.
Directions: Take 1-3 capsules per day or as recommended by a health care professional. Pure 5 OH Tryptophan should be taken with vitamins and minerals.
Key Benefits
Eating disorders
Sleep problem
Chronic Pain
Recent Development
- 5HTP differs from Tryptophan in that it slightly increases the activity of an energizing neurotransmitter,NE and Seratonin.
- 5HTP is essential because body cannot manufacture its own
Tryptophan and Cardiac Condition (21)
Tryptophan and emotional and mental disorders (22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28)
- 5HTP useful against emotional and mental disorders- Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder(23), Alcohol Addiction, Sbustance Abuse, Agrressive Behavior, Down’s Syndrome, Schizophrenia, AHHD and chronic pain.
Tryptophan and Rheumatoid Arthritis (29,120)
Tryptophan and Migraine Headache (30,31,32)
Tryptophan and Insomnia (33,34,35,36)
Tryptophan and Menopausal Problems (37)
Tryptophan and Weight Problems (38,39,40,41,42)
Tryptophan and Premenstrual Problems (43)
Tryptophan and Restless Leg Syndrome (44)
Tryptophan and Parkinson’s Disease (45,46,47)
- 21) Sved, A. et al. Studies of anti-hypertensive action of L-Tryptophan, Journal of Pharmacological and Experimental Therapeutics, 221:329-33
- 22) Morand, C. et al. Biological Psychiatry, 18:575-8
- 23) Buist, R. Therapeutic predictability of tryptophan and tyrosine in treatment of depression, International Clinical Nutrition Review, 3(2):1-3
- 24) Chouinard, G. et al. A controlled clinical trial of L-Tryptophan in acute mania, Biological Psychiatry, 20:546-57
- 25) Green, A. et al. Pharmokinetics of Tryptophan, Advanced Biological Psychiatry, 10: 67-81
- 26) Wallinder, J. Advanced Biological Psychiatry, 10:82-93
- 27) Coppen, A. Tryptophan and depressive illness, Psychological Medicine, 8:49-57
- 28) Stein, G. et al. Relationship between mood disturbances and tryptophan levels in post-partum women, British Medical Journal, 2:457
- 29) Journal of American Podiatry Association, 70(2):65
- 30) Erdmann, R. Jones, M. The Amino Revolution, Entury
- 31) Soyka, F. The Ion Effect, Dutton, New York
- 32) Mann, J. Secrets of life Extension, Harbor Publishing Co.
- 33) Goldberg, P. Kaufman D. Natural Sleep, Rodale Press
- 34) Hartman, L. Report of an American Medical Association Symposium, and reported in Clinical Psychiatry News
- 35) Fitten, L. et al. Tryptophan as hypnotic in special patients, Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 33:294-7
- 36) Lieberman, H. et al. Effects of dietary neurotransmitters on human behavior, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 42 (2): 36-70
- 37) Werbach, M. Nutritional Influences on Illness, Third Line Press, California
- 38) Heboticky, N. Effects of L-Tryptophan on short term food intake, Nutritional Research, 5(6):595-607
- 39) Heraif, E. et al. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 4(3):281-92
- 40) Butler R. et al. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 34,(10)2045
- 41) Wurtman, R. Behavioural effects of nutrients, The Lancet, p1145
- 42) Chaitow, L. Amino acids in therapy, Thorsons and Slimming and Health Workbook, Thorsons
- 43) Abraham, G. Presmenstrual Tension problems, Obstetrics and Gynecology 3(12):1-39
- 44) Sandyk, R. L-Tryptophan in treatment of restless leg syndrome, Letter to the American Journal of Psychiatry, 143(4):554-5
- 45) Levodopa and depression in Parkinsonism, The Lancet, 1:140
- 46) Lehmann, J. Tryptophan malabsorption in levodopa treated patients, Acta Medica Scandinavia, 194:181-9
- 47) Coppen A. et al. Levodopa and L-Tryptophan therapy in Parkinsonism, The Lance, 1: 654-7
- 120) Madan, B. et al. Anti-inflammatory activity of L and DL Tryptophan, Indian Journal of Medical Research, 68: 708-13.
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