Original price was: $320.00.

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  • FUCOIDAN GPD contains L-Tyrosine which are extremely important amino acid for maintaining a strong immune system.


  • FUCOIDAN GPD contains L-Tyrosine which are extremely important amino acid for maintaining a strong immune system.
  • FUCOIDAN GPD improves mental performance, alertness, or memory.
  • FUCOIDAN GPD strengthens an individual immune system during the period of epidemic is clinically important for infants and elders, who are much more vulnerable during the virulent stage.
  • FUCOIDAN GPD strengthens the individual’s immune organs such as thymus, lymph nodes, and the liver by providing them with specific amino acids that would enhance their ability to fight infection.
  • FUCOIDAN GPD supports the recovery of deficiencies and damages caused by pathogens such as Covid 19.
  • FUCOIDAN GPD allows the body to have a strong immune system to fight off harmful viruses.
  • FUCOIDAN GPD lowers the risk of getting or spreading viruses that cause herpes and HIV.
  • Since virus infection is chronic, FUCOIDAN GPD can make the virus latent (inactive) so that there will be few developing symptoms. Symptoms that develop while taking FUCOIDAN GPD may be less severe and go away faster.
  • FUCOIDAN GPD lowers the risk of giving herpes or HIV to others or getting HIV.
  • FUCOIDAN GPD is safe for pregnant mothers, children, and elderlies
  • FUCOIDAN GPD has no side effects.