L-CARNITINE is a vitamin-like nutrient related to vitamins of the B-group (vitamin BT). L-CARNITINE is a physiological substance, essential for energy production and for fat metabolism. L-CARNITINE is not an amino acid in the strict sense (it is not used as a neurotransmitter or in protein synthesis), however it bears many resemblances to amino acids and is usually grouped under this heading. L-CARNITINE (the “L” refers to its chemical polarity) is used by the body to transport long chain fatty acids to the mitochondria in your cells, where it is burned for energy. Since this fat burning is such a major source of muscular energy, deficiencies in L-CARNITINE are manifested as low energy levels and muscular weakness. They can also appear as mental confusion or cloudiness, angina (heart pain) and weight gain.
Directions: Take 1-3 capsules per day or as recommended by a health care professional. Pure L-Carnitine should be taken with vitamins and minerals. Tyson’s MVM (Multivitamin) is highly recommended.
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